- He/she should be able to listen to others not only talk, talk, and talk
- He/she should be well organized and ready to share ideas
- He/she should be able to share ideas as well as bring out those hidden ideas in the group
- He/she should be able to bring out those quiet voices that have good but unheard ideas
- He/she should be able to identify the problem a group is facing and fix it
- Not only these but many more.
I think the following people are already leaders in the grade eight community:
- Me
- Lucas
- Joel
- Phillipe
- Avi
- and probably many others who have not risen yet
Most of the people who I listed do demonstrate some of those qualities but none of them demonstrate all. This is probably good because, only all of these people combined will create the ideal leader. Not only these 8th graders but probably many adults and maybe even a little bit from everyone on earth. You'll probably need all of this and much more to create the perfect leader.
Pic. from: http://news-service.stanford.edu/news/2006/january11/gifs/mlk.jpg