Monday, December 10, 2007

Hotel Rwanda

I will be answering question #2: How did individuals, groups of people, and the world community fail the people of Rwanda?

Well they failed them greatly. For one, the Belgian UN guards eventually abandoned them. Some people who were foreign actually wanted to help but were forced away. When the intervention force arrived, they gave so many Rwandans the hope they needed. But there were only an intervention force to those lucky foreigners. Most of those foreigners wanted to stay and help but were forced out of the country. The foolish intervention force, just came to protect their own people not those who actually needed protection. That is just some of the ways. The newscaster, when he sent that footage, well it was able to get on the newscast, but did it help? Did all these people come to help the Rwandans in the struggle they are having to deal with? The simple answers: no. No one came to help, no one came to intervene, no one helped those who really needed help. That is how the world and everyone who could help failed the Rwandans. The only person who helped was the person Paul called in Britain. He helped but he was the only one, while the rest of the world let them down.