By the way this might not be the final production:
Script for Cuban Missile Crisis Project:
Varun – Studio News Anchor and Fidel Castro
Melissa – Studio News Anchor
Farah – Cuba News Anchor
Varun: Hello. This is Varun Batta and Melissa Smith reporting from CNN New Delhi.
Melissa: Today, we will be reporting on the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Varun: As you must know, there are nuclear missiles being built by the USSR in Cuba.
Melissa: Therefore there is a huge panic in the United States. The building of these missiles is seen as a way for the USSR to have access to firing in the western hemisphere.
Varun: That is right. The island of Cuba is currently right in the middle of two giant boulders, either could be the one to kill it.
Melissa: You see, the USSR is building nuclear missiles in Cuba to protect the latest addition to its empire, but the US is interpreting it as a major threat to it and its citizens.
Varun: But now lets here what Farah Weannara who is reporting from Cuba itself. Farah –
(change of scene)
Farah: Hello there. I am Farah Weannara reporting live from the site of the building of the nuclear missile silo in cuba.
I have with me here the current president of Cuba: Mr. Fidel Castro.
Mr. Castro, we are all wondering, why did you decide to publicly align yourself with the Soviet Union.
Varun (as Fidel): You see I felt that the Soviet Union was like me, we both felt that communism is the right way to rule our country, and because of this I felt that in stead of siding with some stupid democracy like the US, I should be siding with the smart communists of the Soviet Union.
Farah: Ah, we see. But then why are you letting the USSR build these nuclear missiles, which are controlled by the USSR but still in your land. Can’t you see that you are now creating major havoc in the US, which has a clear military advantage over you. Why then are you risking your country like this?
Varun: Well, as you might have heard the USSR is too, afraid of possible US threat and is therefore protecting us not using us. Also, addressing to your question about the danger to the Cuban citizens, you see in the case of such a vicious attack by the US, there will be a complete backup force coming from the Soviet Union to help us.
Farah: Well, thanks for your time Mr. Castro it was very helpful.
(castro leaves)
And now back to you Melissa
(change of scene)
Melissa (alone): Thank you Farah. We will now show you a small clip from the speech the president made 8 days ago: October 22nd, 1962.
(Clip Plays)
Varun (with Melissa there): Thank you for playing that, Melissa. As you can see the US really is ready to take action and has even sent a naval blockade checking any ship that enters or exits Cuba.
Melissa: Yes. (fidgets with her ear looking like she is receiving some message) Oh and we just received news from Farah that President Kennedy after negotiating with Khrushchev have ended the war. The USSR will remove the nuclear missiles from Cuba as long as the US will not invade the Cuba. The deal has been done. The Crisis is over.
Varun (with Melissa gone to tell the good news): Well thank you for watching CNN New Delhi. Good Night.
(camera zooms out with Varun sitting at table with a laptop and a coffee mug)
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