Power. There are lots of different types of power. There is physical, mental, social power, and of course energy. Physical power is power in the form of strength or energy. It means you are physically capable of doing something that requires immense power. It is shown as strength, muscles, and really any thing that you do that is hard. You may need physical power for some things, and not for others, but physical power is somewhat important. Secondly, there is mental power, which is not the ability to move thing with your mind, but includes will power and other types of "power" which allows you to keep going and trying when all else fails. Mental power is very important for many reasons. Our mental power is the power that allows us to succeed in whatever we do. If we had not will or mental power, then we would give up to easily therefore ensuring low chances for success. Thirdly, there is social power, which is the type of power that rulers, and representatives. Those people have the power to change the way we behave, do things, etc. Social power is also found in leaders and people who begin to and/or change the world. Energy is the power that enables us and everything else to do what is does. A computer runs on electricity, a form of energy. A river runs on kinetic and potential energy. Wind has energy. The water has energy. Everything has energy, which is also a form of power. In the end, power is a lot of different things, but most importantly, it is human desire. Not only the feeling of human desire, but the actual thing. Humans want power. They always have, and always will. That is what power is, and what it will always be.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Globalization Cartoon Analysis
The main visual elements of this cartoon are the father, and her daughter, and what he is saying to her. This cartoon is about globalization and how it will impact the next generation. As you can see, the speech bubble indicates that the next generation will either be the real step towards a globalized community, or they will use globalization to their advantage in the wrong way. It also indicates that the next generation will adopt to globalization a lot easier than the older generation will. Along with that, globalization will impact in truth every little aspect of everything. I believe that the cartoonist supports the idea of globalization but dislikes the fact that it will have an impact on everything instead of just on politics, economy, etc. To make the cartoon more persuasive, the cartoonist could have changed the way the daughter acted or dressed to make it look like she is more globalized than her father.
Posted by Varun Batta at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
Population Project Points
I learned some valuable things from population project. I learned:
- How to organize notes and research
- How to do a data analysis,
- About rainwater harvesting and other things related to my topic.
Posted by Varun Batta at 10:59 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sameness or Equality
In Animal Farm, the author uses the word ‘equality’, yet in The Giver, the author uses ‘sameness’. I believe that these were used correctly.
You see, sameness means that everybody is the same: they die and they are born at the same time. They all age at the same rate. They all have no feelings, see no colors, and have the same basic features. Everybody is married in the same fashion, and they raise their family in the same fashion. Everyone is pretty much the same.
Equality means that everybody is equal, they have the same rights that are all followed, and they are of the same rank. There is no leader, or someone better, just equality. This does not mean, though, that they are all the same. In animal farm, all the animals weren’t the same, but they were equal mostly. Yet in The Giver they are all the same, yet some people may have a better job, or life, like the Giver himself.
Therefore I can state that those two words are not the same, and were used correctly, since each book has a completely different meaning. Sameness can be Equality, and vice versa, but it is not necessarily that way.
Posted by Varun Batta at 2:51 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
A question of Age?
People become adults when they are ready. When they become responsible, and when they learn the things they need to about life. They become adults at the age when they have experienced enough of life that they know what is right and what is wrong, what they aren’t ready for, and what they are. They learn to judge themselves and their surroundings so that they can make the best choices. They must be both mentally and physically ready for what life is going to give them. They must be ready to step into the world, and do things for the good of society, and everyone in it.
People are never too old for society. There is a point in their lives when they can no longer do what they need to do. It is when they are too old to provide for their families, when they are the ones who need to be provided for, not providing. But that doesn’t mean they are too old for society. They might not be able to provide for society, but they are still part of it. And they were the ones who provided us with what we have, so once they get old, we should begin to provide for them. It is their turn to be the weak and meek, and our turn to be the strong and brave. People are never too old for society, only we can be too new for them.
Posted by Varun Batta at 8:48 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
My work plan for this week:
· Monday- Gather Data
· Tuesday- Begin Data Analysis (to be finished at home)
· Wednesday- Work on Research Paper
· Thursday- Finish Research Paper
· Friday- Get Peer edited, and fix up over weekend.
Posted by Varun Batta at 8:47 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 31, 2008
Cartoon Analysis - Family Dinner
The main visual elements of this picture are the family members, and the dinner table with food. I think this cartoon is trying to say that the new generation will be too technology oriented, and may overuse the technology that is available to them now. The kids will now, instead of talking and communicating, simply post things on the internet for their parents to see. This will disturb family time, and other such activities. It will also ruin the communication with your family, which is what is so ironic about this cartoon. The internet and technology is meant to be a bridge for communication, but in this case that exact technology is destroying the communication inside a family. Technology is meant to help with long distance technology, but it is in turn destroying person to person communication. The speech of the father helps me understand this. But I think it would be more persuasive that even at the dinner table the kid would have a laptop or some way of posting or chatting with his parents without talking.
Posted by Varun Batta at 12:43 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
Vonnegut's beleifs-right or wrong?
Vonnegut is both right and wrong. He is right that we rely on computers too much and should be “doing the becoming ourselves.” This means that the computer is becoming the thing that we humans want to become, and we should be the ones becoming that. But that is no reason to dislike computers. They are very helpful in so many ways. They help us with printing, they help us access things with the click of a button. They even allow you to make what would be so complicated years ago, such as graphs and data and a five paragraph essay, with a simple set of tasks. Yes, we do rely on it a little too much but that is no reason to dislike it. Why should we dislike such a useful tool?
Posted by Varun Batta at 8:44 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Technology and Me
Technology is anything new, which makes a job or task much easier. These could include electronic devices or something as simple as a knife. Either way it makes something easier to do and therefore it is considered technology. Using technology in school can be both good and bad, because using those technologies will require knowledge of how to use that technology, but once they do have such knowledge it will be easier to do things. But technologies can cause problems because if the student does not have the ability to access such technology at home, then it could cause major problems. Otherwise I think that technology is important.
The five most important technologies are:
• Computers
• Internet
• Medicine
• Clock
• Telephone
The five least important technologies are:
• Weapons
• Diesel Vehicles
• Cosmetics
• Hair Products
• Gaming Devices
Posted by Varun Batta at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
End of Quarter 3 Feedback
I feel that at the end of Quarter 3 I have achieved most of my goals which included:
- Having no small, punctuational or conventional mistakes
- Improve paragraphing and dividing the writing into different groups
- Improving and learning some new video editing techniques
- Being able to put together a interesting and fun script for a play or video presentation
For Quarter 4 I have decided on these new goals to set up:
- Learning more new and better techniques in creative writing
- Being able to use these techniques in a story that I decide to write
- Becoming a better student and more time efficient so that I do not have problems in high school
Posted by Varun Batta at 8:12 PM 0 comments