People become adults when they are ready. When they become responsible, and when they learn the things they need to about life. They become adults at the age when they have experienced enough of life that they know what is right and what is wrong, what they aren’t ready for, and what they are. They learn to judge themselves and their surroundings so that they can make the best choices. They must be both mentally and physically ready for what life is going to give them. They must be ready to step into the world, and do things for the good of society, and everyone in it.
People are never too old for society. There is a point in their lives when they can no longer do what they need to do. It is when they are too old to provide for their families, when they are the ones who need to be provided for, not providing. But that doesn’t mean they are too old for society. They might not be able to provide for society, but they are still part of it. And they were the ones who provided us with what we have, so once they get old, we should begin to provide for them. It is their turn to be the weak and meek, and our turn to be the strong and brave. People are never too old for society, only we can be too new for them.
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