In Animal Farm, the author uses the word ‘equality’, yet in The Giver, the author uses ‘sameness’. I believe that these were used correctly.
You see, sameness means that everybody is the same: they die and they are born at the same time. They all age at the same rate. They all have no feelings, see no colors, and have the same basic features. Everybody is married in the same fashion, and they raise their family in the same fashion. Everyone is pretty much the same.
Equality means that everybody is equal, they have the same rights that are all followed, and they are of the same rank. There is no leader, or someone better, just equality. This does not mean, though, that they are all the same. In animal farm, all the animals weren’t the same, but they were equal mostly. Yet in The Giver they are all the same, yet some people may have a better job, or life, like the Giver himself.
Therefore I can state that those two words are not the same, and were used correctly, since each book has a completely different meaning. Sameness can be Equality, and vice versa, but it is not necessarily that way.
it was great post and I agreed with thoughts. I thought they made sense and you gave good evidence which made your point seem stronger. The last paragraph was a bit confusing but overall great job.
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